
The Modern Player in SCORM Cloud


For some time now, SCORM cloud has offered a new SCORM player behind the scenes that allowed for customer launching content on mobile devices or that just wanted a cleaner more responsive look for their courses. We've dubbed the new player 'modern player', and now refer to the old player as 'legacy player'. The modern player has reached parity with the legacy player and we now think it is ready for primetime. Below are some details about what the player does for you, who should use the modern player, and changes that will take place in the near future concerning the modern player.


What's a SCORM player?

Playing SCORM content in a browser really has two aspects to it.

  • The first is the SCORM API, which covers all of the data formatting, communication, rollup rules, and lots of other "SCORMy" details. We've had a rock solid implementation of this for years, and have really only had to make incremental changes to it.
  • The second aspect of playing SCORM content in a browser is the actual UI and presentation to the user. This involves the navigation menus, title bars, exit buttons, and framing the content inside of an environment where it can interact with the SCORM API.

    It's this second aspect that we've overhauled. With the rate at which web development progresses, it's a change that is long over due. Our modern player is a cleaner HTML5 implementation that uses a responsive design that is common place in web development.


Who Should Use The Modern Player?

Well, really almost everyone.

  • If you need to support older browsers that aren't HTML5 compliant, you'll have to remain on the legacy player.
  • If you are using a custom CSS for the legacy player, you will want to update the css for the modern player before switching over. Instructions on how to customize the css for the modern player can be found here.


Switching between player types

Instructions on how to switch between defaulting to the modern and legacy players can be found here and instructions for setting the player at launch time via the API can be found here.


Modern Player In Action

Below are some screenshots of the same course being launched with the legacy player and the modern player. As you can see below, the only visual difference between the player types is when the navigation bar is enabled.

Legacy Player


Modern Player

Legacy Player with Navigation Bar

Modern Player with Navigation Bar


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