
How do I clear existing registrations?


On the Trial and Tester tiers, we give you 10 free active registrations to play around with to give you a taste of SCORM Cloud. You are free to use (and reuse) these 10 registrations as many times as you like until you are ready to upgrade to a standard paid tier. To restart your count of the 10 free registrations, you will need to clear your existing registrations.

Clearing your existing registrations removes the connection between your learners and your courses. Any registration data will be deleted from Reportage.

Before you get started on clearing out your registrations- you will need to ensure that you're set up to be able to delete them. Just click the Apps tab inside of SCORM Cloud and make sure your applications are all set to Enable Delete Operations. If you're using the default "SCORM Cloud" application, delete operations are turned on by default. Not sure if this applies to you? Head over here to learn more.

To clear your registrations:

1. Log in to your SCORM Cloud account

2. Click the Account tab


3. Click “Clear Existing Registrations”


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