
Changing Owners in SCORM Cloud

Follow these steps if you are trying to add a co-owner to your Realm or to change owners completely. 

Original Owner Steps
  1. Log into your SCORM Cloud account here 
  2. Go to the "People" Section (from the left menu)
  3. Select "Add Person"
  4. Add the new owner's information here (it will show them as a learner)
  5. Select the new owner's name from the 'people in your realm' section
  6. At the bottom of this section, it will show you new owner's name as a Learner in this realm 
  7. Click on the 'change' option next to this and select "Owner" and hit save.
You are now both co-owners of the realm. To remove the Original Owner, the New Owner follows the steps outlined below. 
New Owner Instructions 
  1. You will receive an email invitation from the old Owner/SCORM Cloud to set up your Cloud log in.
  2. Follow the log in steps.
  3. Once you log in, you now have access to the account.
  4. To manage administrators and owners of the account go to the "People" Section (from the left menu)
  5. Select the person you want to change from the 'people in your realm' section
  6. At the bottom of this section, it will allow you to 'change' the status of people from Learner /Owner/Administrator"
Having some trouble making these transitions? Let us know, we'd be happy to help. 
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