
Engine and Engine Dispatch


Released 2022-10-19


Bug Fixes

  • Fix missing status indicator when PlayerStatusDisplayPreference is set to SUCCESS_ONLY
  • [Java Only] Resolve intermittent failed requests to update Engine when concurrent requests for the same registration occur almost simultaneously
  • [Java Only] Updated Apache commons-text dependency to version 1.10.0 to avoid using a version with CVE-2022-42889. Note: Engine itself was not impacted by this CVE since the only use of commons-text was for escaping and unescaping via org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils, not for variable substitution.
  • [Java Only] Fixes import error for TinCan courses that contain underscores in the activity ID domain


Dispatch Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Added required 'nonce' claim to outgoing LTI Tool JWT
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