Released 2020-09-11
Bug Fixes
- Fixes issue with TinCan launches in which content authorization cookies were not added when UsePlayerForTinCanLaunches and RemoteDeliverPageUrl are set
- Fix bug with recording of completion status in YouTube courses when seeking to the end and relaunching and restarting the video.
- Fixes issue in which the database upgrade tool could not drop and recreate certain indices when moving from 2019.1 to 20.1.
- [Offline Extension Only] Prevents the throwing of an error if signed launch links are enabled and the /player/configuration API is used
- [Java Only] Update commons-codec and commons-compress dependencies, which should now be more lenient with certain edge cases in zip packages
- [Media Content] No longer use a timeout to indicate an error loading the media content file, which was sometimes triggered even when the content was able to load (but took too long).
- Updated license documentation
Dispatch Changes
Bug Fixes
- [LTI Only] Fixes an issue with SameSite=None being required for third-party cookies in new versions of Chrome
- No longer need to supply platform configuration information in order to create an LTI 1.3 destination (see updated documentation.
- Dispatch only, for courses that are AICC, cmi5, or Tin Can (those that require polling) make the polling failure message more clear about lack of ability to save progress.