- Added the ability to configure minimum password length requirements.
- Improved the learner debug info lookup when learner data is hashed.
- Added support for Ansible 2.9.
Please note: This is a breaking change for anyone using Ansible 2.4 or earlier. The required version of Ansible is now 2.5+.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that displayed user administration options related to SSO even when SSO is not enabled.
- Fixed a bug that could result in a slightly incorrect expiration date for licenses in the Course Details panel.
- Improved CSV report builder to make the end date inclusive rather than exclusive.
- Fixed a bug with downloading an account's custom CSS file through the UI.
- Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect number of days to be reported in the daily license digest emails when the remaining time in the license was over a month.
- Fixed a bug that broke the link to download the sample RXD course.
- Fixed a bug with launching RXD courses that are in a bundle.