
Breaking Changes in Engine 2019.1


Note: If you are upgrading from a version of Engine before 2018.1, please see this Breaking Changes for 2018.1 article. Everything in that article will apply as well.

A lot of great new features have been added to Engine with our 2019.1 release. As part of our efforts to update and modernize Engine, a few older features that had very limited usage have been removed. In most cases there are new ways to satisfy the same use-case inside Engine. Removing these mostly unused features help us to reduce Engine's footprint for vulnerabilities and increase its testability.

Here's a list of things that have been removed in 2019.1:

  • [Java only] The /ping/Ping.jsp page has been removed. This had been used by some systems as a health check endpoint.

    As a replacement, you can add the setting ApiAllowUnauthorizedPing to your Engine configuration, and set it to 'True'. After that, you can make GET requests to the /ping resource in the API without providing any authentication header. This can be necessary for accessing it from a load balancer or other appliance.
  • All SOAP web services have been removed. With the addition of the REST API in Engine, there should no longer be a need for these legacy services. We can help you map your usage of these to API calls during your upgrade.
  • Our Central/Remote deployment architecture is no longer supported. This was only used by a handful of customers, and relied on SOAP web services. We have reached out directly to customers we know are using this feature. If you are using it and we have not contacted you already, please let us know so that we can discuss alternative ways of achieving the same requirements.
  • The Tin Can Recipes feature of Engine is no longer supported. We have not removed the database tables associated with these recipes, so no existing data should be affected. 

There were also a couple of changes to our default behavior that may require some updates in your integration or configuration.

  • The AllowedRequests setting has a new default value that restricts access to some non-standard endpoints in Engine. If you are using the Offline extension to Engine, then you will need to add this setting to your configuration with a value of: "LAUNCH_PAGE, DELIVER_PAGE, RECORD_AICC_RESULTS_PAGE, RECORD_SCORM_RESULTS_PAGE, SUPPORT_PAGES, OFFLINE_SERVICES". This lets all the default functionality of Engine, plus the Offline support, work if you have the license for that.

  • Customers using PENS functionality, and who have AddExternalPackage overridden to create the course in your system, will need to override a new method, PensAssignPackageId, or use our built-in import postback mechanism to receive the new course details (with an auto-assigned course id in Engine).
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