
Engine 2017.1.58.1446 to 2017.1.66.1482



We had a number of small releases of 2017.1 Engine over the past few months that fixed things for specific use-cases. This consolidates the release notes for those into one post so as to not overwhelm with notifications.


Engine 2017.1.66.1482

Released 2019-07-09


  • Improved how we handle content cookie authentication for AICC courses.


Engine 2017.1.65.1480

Released 2019-06-12


  • External Config value can now be changed in "OnLaunch" even when using signed launch links (applies to legacy integration customers only)


Engine 2017.1.64.1478

Released 2019-05-21


  • Improved how the remote player (using RemoteDeliverPageUrl setting) works with Cloudfront cookie authentication


Engine 2017.1.63.1473

Released 2019-05-14

Bug Fixes

  • Render player error message as text to avoid XSS vulnerability


Engine 2017.1.62.1470

Released 2019-05-10


  • Added S3 import support to legacy import method (.NET Engine only)


Engine 2017.1.61.1460

Released 2019-04-17


  • Improve handling of longer Tin Can interaction descriptions

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug with cmi5 launches for non-API integration customers with custom external configuration properties.


Engine 2017.1.60.1456

Released 2019-04-08


  • Reduce unnecessary rollup postback processing threads (for customers who have ApiRollupRegistrationSynchronous set to 'false')


Engine 2017.1.59.1452

Released 2019-03-27

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where content isn't visible on Safari/iOS in a small set of use cases.
  • Fixed bug with using the online upgrade on the Standard Edition of SQL Server
  • Fixes param type used when querying for launch history in the LaunchHistoryReport control. Primarily affected PostgreSql.


Engine 2017.1.58.1446

Released 2019-03-14

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug when using Dispatch with ApiSignedLaunchLinks enabled
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