
Dispatch: "Failed to Receive Initial Pipe Message Error"



  1. Is the Dispatch closed, disabled or expired? You can check this via the Dispatch tab.

  2. Has the course attached to the Dispatch been deleted?

  3. Are you on a Trial account? If so, have you maxed out your 10 re-settable registrations? If so, try clearing registrations. Details here.
  4. Is your account set "Strict (Do Not Allow Overages)" and you've reached the registration limit for your 30 day period.
  5. Does your course title or Destination contain special characters (i.e. "!" , "|" , "?", etc.)?
  6. If the Dispatch is enabled / active, this normally means we're being blocked.

    Confirm that the client has:

    • Enabled third party cookies
    • Are allowing pop-ups
    • Add and to your networks allow list

  7. On the SCORM Cloud end, you can try changing the launch behavior of the course. For example, if the course is launching in a New Window, change it to launch Frameset.

If you're still having issues, please send a message to We're happy to help.


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