- Is the Dispatch closed, disabled or expired? You can check this via the Dispatch tab.
- Has the course attached to the Dispatch been deleted?
- Are you on a Trial account? If so, have you maxed out your 10 re-settable registrations? If so, try clearing registrations. Details here.
- Is your account set "Strict (Do Not Allow Overages)" and you've reached the registration limit for your 30 day period.
- Does your course title or Destination contain special characters (i.e. "!" , "|" , "?", etc.)?
- If the Dispatch is enabled / active, this normally means we're being blocked.
Confirm that the client has:
- Enabled third party cookies
- Are allowing pop-ups
- Add cloud.scorm.com and app.cloud.scorm.com to your networks allow list
- On the SCORM Cloud end, you can try changing the launch behavior of the course. For example, if the course is launching in a New Window, change it to launch Frameset.
If you're still having issues, please send a message to support@rusticisoftware.com. We're happy to help.