
Is there a way to bypass the 'registration' page on a link to a course by using URL parameters?



Is there a way to bypass the 'registration' page on a link to a course by using URL parameters?



When using public invitations, it's a requirement that the learner enter their first/last name and email address to launch the course.

If you use the public invitation url all you'll need to do is add in the `email`, `firstName`, and `lastName` parameters. As long as those parameters are included it will autofill the inputs on the registration form.

Example: ``

Your other options are:

  • Use Private invitations. With this option you'll enter the learner information on the front end. They'll receive an email with a link to launch the course.

Getting Started: Invitations

  • Integrate using our API which allows you to tie all the import, launch, and reporting tools to your application.


If you have any questions just send a message to


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