Released 2018-03-01
- Adds API for retrieving user counts: /about/userCount.
- Restricts access to system configuration calls to system-level auth.
- cmi5: add registration level setting for alternate entitlement key
- Player debug logs can now be saved to the filesystem, either local or S3. Additionally, these can be viewed at any time with the debugger page by passing the url of the log you would like to view as a query string parameter. See new settings: PlayerDebugLogsStorageLocation and StorePlayerDebugLogsInFileStoreOnExit
- Added UsePlayerForTinCanLaunches setting to allow Tin Can/xAPI to launch through Engine's player rather than being opened directly from the launch page (which was a difference specifically for this learning standard). This was primarily added to improve Dispatch functionality.
- Correct handling of
open ended range patterns fornumeric
interactions. Only affects SCORM 2004. - Fix import and rollup postback queuing for legacy customers using GUID keys
- Fix bug with score from xAPI statements that only included a raw value and not a scaled value.
- Fix repeated runtime data persist/rollup/postback for Tin Can interactions
Dispatch Changes
- Dispatch API was incorrectly sending 500 errors when the dispatch / destination data was incomplete. The code was updated to handle incomplete data by throwing a ValidationError (400 error).
- Some internal refactoring and improvements