Released 2018-01-31
New Features
- Added ability to download original course version files
- Added support for creating custom launch errors on a per-account basis
- Show language mismatches when editing and creating language equivalents
- Changes to equivalents (such as removing a language) are no longer saved until clicking Save
- Improved SDXD content URL building so that query params may be passed to content
- Upgrade Java to JDK 1.8.0u161
- Add Ansible option to skip DB migrations (useful to run migrations against only 1 box in a multi-box deployment)
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue preventing xAPI statements from being forwarded
- Fix an issue that reduced max course title length from 200 to 100 characters
- Fix an invalid namespace in SCORM 1.2 manifest files
- Fix an issue that caused some tooltips to be truncated in certain browsers
- Fix an issue that caused the loading spinner to show forever on courses that took longer than 50 seconds to import