
Using SCORM Cloud Dispatch as an LTI 1.3 Tool (Canvas Edition)



Before you dive in, here are a couple of assumptions:

  • You’ve already created a dispatch either via the API or the SCORM Cloud user interface. You will need a dispatchID to connect to Canvas. 
  • You will need to use the SCORM Cloud API to both get and set certain pieces of information.  While this article references Moodle in the setup, you can use the SCORM Cloud API instructions along with the documentation provided below to configure in Canvas.  Tools like Postman or directly using the SCORM Cloud API documentation can assist with these steps.

Getting the Tool Configuration Schema

To begin, retrieve the tool configuration schema by calling GetLti13ToolConfigurationSchema endpoint for your destination. You'll need your destinationID to use as a parameter for this endpoint.  The response will look something like this:



 "publicKey": "{public key value}",

 "oidcLoginInitiationsUrl": "",

 "redirectUri": "",

 "jsonWebKeySetUrl": ""



In the following screenshot, I used the Cloud API documentation to get that information.



You’ll also need to retrieve one more piece of information. Use the GetLti13Dispatch endpoint to get the TargetLinkURI for this dispatch.  


Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.23.52 PM.png


Creating a Developer Key in Canvas

Next, create a Developer Key in Canvas using the information retrieved from the endpoints above

1. In order to get to the page to create the developer key, navigate to AdminDeveloper Keys  → Click + Developer Key and choose LTI Key.


2. I’ve taken some screenshots to walk you through how to populate Canvas with data from SCORM Cloud.  First up is setting up the Key itself. *Note: There are a number of things in this screenshot, I have some information below that will guide you to where this data comes from.


Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.17.07 PM.png




Where It Is Found

Key Name

Name of the Course Dispatching
Owner Email Your Email
Redirect URI Found in the GetLti13ToolConfigurationSchema response
Method Manual Entry
Title Course Title
Description Course Description
Target Link URI Found in the response GetLti13Dispatch response            
OpenID Connect Initiation URI Found in the GetLti13ToolConfigurationSchema response
JWK Method Found in the GetLti13ToolConfigurationSchema response
Public JWK URL Found in the GetLti13ToolConfigurationSchema response


3. Scroll down to the LTI Advantage Services section.  The toggles should look like this:


4. Add the necessary placements. 

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.35.18 PM.png

*Note: You may only need "Link Selection" and "Assignment Selection" under Placements. Additional placements can be added based on personal preference.

5. Save the Developer Key. Then toggle the "state" to ON to activate it.

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.20.33 PM.png

6. Grab the Client ID under details (e.g., `171080000000000323`)  This will go under ‘Client ID’ when you are hitting the SetDestination Endpoint to add the platform information to the destination in SCORM Cloud.  You’ll also want to grab the key that is under the “show key” button.

Along with the items above you will want the following information for your next API call:

  • JSON Web Key Set URL - https:/[the platform domain]/api/lti/security/jwks
  • Issue Identifier -
    • Note:  If you are using a “test” or “beta” Canvas implementation, the issue identifier could be different.  
      • (Beta environment launches)
      • (Test environment launches)
  •  OIDC Authorization Endpoint URL-https://[the platform domain]/api/lti/authorize_redirect
  • Access Token Endpoint URL - https://[the platform domain]/login/oauth2/token
  • Call the SetDestination endpoint, including the above details in the request body.



Adding the App In Canvas

1. In Canvas, navigate to SettingsAppsView Apps Configuration+App

2. Under Configuration TypeBy Client ID and enter the Client ID created earlier.

3. Click Submit and it will ask if you want to Install the App.  Click Install.  

The App will show up in a list of all of the External Apps. 

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.38.05 PM.png

Click Save and the connection should be set up. 

Testing the Integration

1. To Test, click on Courses to either create a new course or add an assignment to an existing one.

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.42.05 PM.png

2.  Add your dispatch as an assignment in that course.

  • Click directly on the course to get to its main page.
  • Go to Assignments+Assignment.
  • Name the assignment and fill out any other details.
  • In the Submission Type section, click Online to change the type to External Tool.
  • This will launch a window that allows you to choose the External Tool that you just created.  From there, if you choose one that is associated with a dispatch, your dispatch will launch!

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.44.45 PM.png


3. To test your connection, choose a course and click Continue.  Note that if you would like to choose more than one course at a time, you will need to contact Canvas to enable this functionality.  When you have made your choice, you will see a screen that looks like this.


Scroll down and click Save to save the assignment.  Once you hit save, it launches the course so that you can see the connection working. 

Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.40.07 PM.png


*Note: To test grade flow into the Canvas gradebook, ensure the content is launched as a student.



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