
Content Controller: Account Details and How to Edit the Account

The Account Details page provides useful information about an account, such as the license type, license alert subscriptions, notes, usage details, and licensing information.

To open the Account Details view, go to the Accounts section of the application.
Select the account you wish to view.  The Account Details will appear:Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 9.47.24 AM.png

Broken down into sections, there is a lot of information that you can see quickly from this one screen. 

  1. License Type - Which one of the three license types you have set this account to have. 
    1. Unlimited: No licenses are checked for the account or its content. This option is appropriate for organizations using Content Controller to distribute content to internal LMSs or for situations where you prefer to handle licensing outside of Content Controller.
    2. Limit by Content: Separate licenses are checked for different content in the account. This option is appropriate if you use an à la carte model where each course is offered with its own limits on usage. This option is also useful if you have content bundles that you license together as a unit.
    3. Limit by Account: A single license is checked against aggregate usage across the entire account. This option is appropriate if you typically sell access to your entire content library or for any other model that involves a single license covering all content usage for a particular customer.
  2. License Alerts  
    1. Displays YES if License Alert Emails are enabled or NO if they are disabled.  There must be at least one subscriber for license alerts to be enabled.
    2. Sent To - A list of email addresses that will receive License Alert Emails when an account is nearing or has exceeded its limits.
  3. Details about an account's content
    1. Last Activity - the last time content was launched
    2. Active Courses - the number of active (not deactivated) content assigned to the account
    3. Total Courses - the total number (activated and deactivated) of content assigned to the account
  4. Detail about an account's learners
    1. In-Progress Learners - the number of learners that have launched content but haven't completed it
    2. Total Learners - the total number of learners that have attempted content
    3. Total Registrations - the total number of registrations (a learner taking a course) (for example, if learner 1 takes course A and course B, learner 2 takes course A - that would be three total registrations)
  5. Licenses - Details about licenses associated with an account.  This view will vary depending on the License Type of the account.
    1. Displays licenses associated with the account.  The currently active license (if any) will be highlighted in blue.
    2. Future and past licenses will also appear to make it easy to see historical usage or to see which licenses are set up for future use or auto-rollover.
  6. Edit/Deactivate
    1. Edit will allow you to edit
      1. Name
      2. License type
      3. Add/remove alerts emails
      4. add notes
    2. Deactivate will all you to turn off the account without deleting all the reporting data that is associated with it. 
If you have any questions, please send a message to
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