
All Launches Report


Hey! Just wanted to drop a quick message and tell you about a feature in our Reportage reporting application, the "All Launches" report. We've found out through feedback that you find the "All Registrations" to be a useful top level report and appreciate the ability to export this "raw" data, so we thought we'd add a new report in the same spirit. This report, however, breaks things down even further by showing every launch of the selected learners and courses. 

You can get to the report using the "All Launches" link in the bottom of left of the Reportage UI, like this....




Once you click it, you'll find a report that looks a lot like this...



Note that you can see the launch time and exit time, and the completion, success, and score set for each individual launch, and the total time spent in each course launch...

Sample report below.

If you have any questions, please contact us

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