
Can I control how many people access my Dispatch package?


Good news! With Dispatch you have complete control over who is accessing your course.  And because we’re big fans of giving you options, you have a few here too:

Enable/Disable- When you’re Dispatch is ‘enabled’ anyone can launch the course from the Client LMS. Disabling the Dispatch package prevents everyone from launching your course from the Client LMS.

Open/Close- When a Dispatch is open, that means that you are allowing new registrations for that course from the Client LMS. Closing the Dispatch lets you prevent new registrations from being created, without disrupting any registrations in progress.

Capping your Dispatch- You can set up a maximum number of registrations for your Dispatch file. Once your client hits that cap, the Dispatch file will be closed to new registrations.

Registration Count- This lets you quickly see how many registrations have been recorded this billing cycle for your Dispatch package.

So where can I set this up?

You can apply these settings once you have created your Dispatch.  Under the Dispatch tab in SCORM Cloud, select the Dispatch file, and go to the Edit section.



Once you’re in the Edit Dispatch section, you can pick your settings:




That's it! Any changes? You can always come back here and update access to your Dispatch at any time.

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