Can I use SCORM/xAPI/AICC content in a BLTI LMS?
Yes! By using Dispatch, you can now play SCORM/xAPI/cmi5/AICC content in your BLTI LMS. Put simply, BLTI is an e-learning standard from IMS that’s used by many educational based LMSs. The downside is that the only tracking a BLTI LMS reports is final score. With Dispatch, you get all of the great reporting SCORM Cloud Reportage has to offer, on top of reporting on the final score.
To use your SCORM content in your BLTI LMS:
1. Upload any SCORM content to SCORM Cloud
2. Create a Dispatch (Dispatch tab → Create Dispatches → Add course and destination → Create Dispatch)
3. Select your Dispatch from your list of Dispatches and click BLTI
4. SCORM Cloud will then show you the URL, Key and Secret that you’ll need to enter into your LMS to in order to access the SCORM Cloud course from your LMS.