
Content Controller: Creating and Editing a License

Do you enjoy the idea of standardizing your Available Licenses? Is it time to spring-clean your existing licenses? Let me show you how. 

  1. Navigate to your Licenses section in Accounts.e0ccf632-6c76-11ef-b2cc-9ae62b34de3b.png
  2. To create a new click on the [+ ADD] button. 
  3. Name the license > Put in optional notes > Select the Limit(s) for the license > Click Save
    *Note - Click Here for Limits explanatione157df36-6c76-11ef-902c-7ec1d3f3eecf.png

    *Note - When selecting multiple limits you will receive a warning.e0db1c12-6c76-11ef-91e1-9ae62b34de3b.png
This license will now be available for you to choose from when you are asked to add a license to an account or piece of content. 

The process of editing a license is just as simple. 
  1. As before, navigate to your Licenses section of Accounts. 
  2. Select the license that you would like to edit.
  3. In the License Details panel, click edit.e159d412-6c76-11ef-88f8-de756f2d0607.png
    This will open the same window that you saw while creating a license. 
  4. Make any changes that you wish to make > Click Save
*Note - Changes made to a license in this manner will not affect licenses that are currently attached to accounts or courses.

-If you have any questions, please send a message to
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