Released 2017-03-20
New Features
* Reports can be shared via links that provide a live view of the data. This feature is under development, and is being released for review and feedback.
* Registration instancing can be enabled or disabled on a per-account basis. This can be used to improve compatibility with LMSs that do not fully support suspend data, or that otherwise initiate new attempts.
* Courses can be exported as debug packages. These packages work like normal dispatch packages except that they launch with an extra log window that shows communication between CC, the package, and the remote LMS.
Minor Improvements
* Added a "since" field for new xAPI statement forwarding paths.
* The equivalent language selection page is now rendered on the server instead of using AngularJS on the client. This improves browser compatibility and significantly reduces the size of the page.
* Course library search results are retained after selecting a course.
* Improved loading of large course libraries.
Bug Fixes
* Course configuration changes in accounts persist after a new version is published.
* Slow course usage queries that caused some timeout errors have been optimized.
* The account list page loads faster.
* Success and completion can be set independently for SCORM 2004 dispatches.
* Numerous minor UI bug fixes.