
How can I determine my Engine version?


Many times in support tickets we will ask you to give us the exact version of Engine that you are currently running. This is helpful to us, as there may be a fix in a more recent maintenance release of your version that could solve the issue.

For customers using the REST API for their integration who installed or updated to an Engine version 2017.1.16.479 or higher (since November of 2017), there is an API endpoint that you can hit to get your exact version number.

For customers from older versions, or who are not using the REST API, you can follow these instructions:

.NET Engine

  1. Open the /bin folder of the Engine web application in Windows Explorer. In our release package, this would be /ScormEngineInterface/bin.
  2. Right-click on the RusticiSoftware.ScormEngine.dll
  3. Click on the Details tab, and look for the Product Version item.

Java Engine

  1. Extract the files from the ScormEngineInterface.war. You can do this with a normal unzip utility.
  2. Open the /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file from the war. You should find an Engine-Version line.
  3. If that file does not contain the Engine version, then go to the /WEB-INF/lib folder, unzip the scplogic.jar file, and then open the /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in that to look for it.
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